Please select from our collection of white papers

Intro to Rubicon Carbon
In this white paper, we outline how Rubicon Carbon brings confidence, scale, and innovation to the voluntary carbon market (VCM). Through our unique offering, we seek to drive climate action by making it easier and safer to include carbon credits as part of a company’s larger net-zero agenda.

A risk adjustment approach for creating high integrity carbon credits
At Rubicon Carbon we’re committed to bringing integrity and credibility to the voluntary carbon market. Learn more about our revolutionary, risk adjusted method to carbon portfolio management.

How Rubicon Carbon’s portfolio approach enables meaningful, global carbon removal
The planet has a challenge: to meet our net zero goal by 2050, we need to remove approximately 10 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent from the atmosphere. While many emerging nature-based and technology-driven...

How Rubicon Carbon Evaluates Carbon Credit Projects
The Rubicon Carbon Integrity Framework defines the criteria and process Rubicon Carbon employs to evaluate and grade quality in carbon avoidance and removal projects. In this friendly user guide, we detail how we structure project evaluation, what project attributes we evaluate and how we monitor projects over time to update our risk calculations.
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