How Rubicon Carbon’s diversified portfolio approach enables meaningful, global carbon removal

The planet has a challenge: to meet our net zero goal by 2050, we need to remove approximately ten gigatonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent from the atmosphere. Our White Paper tells you how we can get there using a diversified portfolio approach to purchasing carbon credits. 



In this white paper, you’ll learn:

  • How investing in carbon removal credits through a risk-adjusted portfolio approach can catalyze investment while helping companies meet their net-zero goals

  • How diversification in portfolios reduces reputation and delivery risks for buyers

  • How active management of portfolios allows for investment to flow to where the market is moving



Rubicon Carbon's Approach to
Reducing Buyer Risk

How investing in carbon removal credits through a risk-adjusted portfolio approach can catalyze investment while helping companies meet their net-zero goals


Overcrediting & Rubicon's
Carbon Credit Retirement

How diversification
in portfolios
reduces reputation
and delivery risks for buyers
